Hey, this is still National Poetry Month, so I will share some more poetry. No, not my own, but rather that of wise old, self-aware, spiritually awakened Walt Whitman.
I share the works of others from time to time because they support and illustrate the philosophy I hold, beliefs that affect life every single day. The focus of my Heart-truth, my philosophy, revolves around awakening. It’s tricky for me in a way. For all of my life, I have cared for, valued, and loved souls more than money or notoriety. I have gone from college (Spanish major) to painting to college (pharmacy major) to chemical engineering lab technician to pastoral work to antique conservation to teaching to writer all because I sought to understand and clarify the voice of Heart. That voice was leading me to know myself, and when I came to more fully know myself, I came to be able to understand the way to care for, value, and love other souls. Until I could do that more fully for me, I was not being wholly authentic. But I wasn’t wrong, and I wasn’t always false, just on a journey. Many years and much experience provide me with a unique perspective, especially my experience as a teacher. And now, the tricky part is I am full of enthusiasm and love, but I know my journey cannot be anyone else’s. I share what I have experienced, what my Heart-truth is, and what encourages me and makes me content, no matter the response of others. Of course, my sincerest desire is the things I share will encourage, enlighten, and raise awareness in others, things that will lead them to embark on their own Heart-journey. Many people through their work have encouraged me in that way, and since literature and writing move me deeply, it’s a natural, personal expression to share those works. They specifically — although in some ways I don’t need it but it sure is nice to have it — let me know that many others have seen, understood, and lived the truths that have become so real to me. You know, I don’t write about awakening and coming to know core Self, engaging with eternal Spirit in us that is us because I want a business or to make money or gain fame. I live it every day. I speak to my Heart and my Heart speaks to me. Yes, we are one, but there is a distinction, and that distinction is my reality. I have practiced and become acutely aware of the energies of life flowing in, through, and around me. In my journey, I have known and grown in these personal truths. I speak to Spirit every morning, too, using the life energies bound in a specific, personal ritual. And it all leads me to value and love who and what I am, which in turn leads me to value who and what others are. And that is magic and blessing. The tricky part is to not superimpose a formula. I only give examples and a general framework, but I know it really helps to see clear examples and models — a crucial step in education. I will share those, maybe tomorrow and certainly in my upcoming ebook, but tonight, I am going to draw this to a close with the words of Walt Whitman from his epic poem “Song of Myself.” I have a fantasy that I would read a poem like this in dramatic fashion and millions of people would see and hear it and be moved to awakening to their own Heart. Fantasy. I would settle for one, because in the words of Gary Vaynerchuk, one is better than zero, than none. My hope is those who hear of or read this will awaken to the thought of awakening, of coming to the point of self-awareness, and awareness of all that we are as mortals on this planet, of all the actual, amazing power we have to be content and appreciate the greatness of this Universe. I will say little tonight of Walt’s words, just ask that you consider them in the light of what I have shared, consider them as a framework for self-love leading to unity that appreciates and loves diversity, that recognizes contraries exist that make life creative and interesting. Walt shows that acceptance triumphs over judgment and that rejection and denial of our unity with all others means judgment, cruelty, denunciation, and hatred are inconsistent with the truth of who we are. Walt begins “Song of Myself” with these Ego-shattering words. (Many might think they sound egoic, but look where they lead. Remember, Ego isolates either through superiority or inferiority. Heart unites, integrates.): “I celebrate myself, and sing myself, / And what I assume you shall assume, / for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.” And there it is: The awakening of knowing how very powerful, wonderful, and unique we are, yet in that realization, the unity we are. We personalize Spirit as Mike DePung, Walt Whitman, or You, but we are all bearers and embodiment of that same eternal Spirit. Beauty. Just beauty. Blessings for this evening, my friends!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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