No, you have not been a guinea pig! However, I have been a practicing writer, so you have been critics, although very nice ones.
These evening articles over the past few weeks have, in part, served as drafts for the ebook I have had in process for awhile. I am aware of myself, my weaknesses, my strengths, and I know that I take longer than most people to learn things and to get projects done. I know why, basically, but it’s of no interest to anyone else. I only mention it because someone might think that I keep talking about an ebook and a novel and may be questioning why I don’t have either one finished. Like I said, several reasons. The things I have written about like the Grand Unified Theory of Humanity, the 10 Steps (maybe Stages) to Awakening, the roles of Ego and Heart, the fulness of who and what we are, the computer analogy of eOS and hOS — all of these and more reveal why I believe we are here on this earth. In these articles over the last 10 months, I have attempted to show the practical application of my philosophy. I’ve done this in writing about social issues, personal stories, and life experiences. If my ideas aren’t practical, workable, applicable to everyday life, then they are worthless. In Morning Pages today, I made the point that these topics would be like fat wood kindling that burns brightly but unless it is applied to a pile of wood to start a fire, it’s basically useless. I want my writing to be like kindling, to ignite exploration and discovery of core Self. I want each of us to be living on the hOS simply because that’s why we really came here. No one is wrong processing life through the eOS, but they aren’t going to feel as happy, fulfilled, or significant. When people choose the heart as the primary processor and filter of life, they discover purpose, a purpose that shares their spiritual essence and gifts with the world; they are expressions of love, a practical love lived in simply doing work that yields joy for the doer and blessing to the world. This is the practical outworking of everything I write about. So, I have a friend who has followed his heart, crafted a vision, lived it in purpose, mapped out his mission, and writes down all his goals. Then, he executes relentlessly, every single day. Part of his purpose is to open a microbrewery. Guess what? It looks like by year’s end he will be up and running on phase 1. Big deal, someone might think. Well, it kind of is. He quit a solid, secure job after saving for several years with a young family to be able to do this. He budgeted the savings. He has raised several hundred thousand dollars. He has done this over the last year and a half with the support of his excellent wife who has worked in her heart’s passion while all this has been developed. And in this process, they have blessed hundreds, maybe thousands, of people, because a big part of their vision has been philanthropy. They have raised incredible amounts of money to support families affected by autism, as well as contributing efforts that have helped raise even more money for other causes. Oh, and now the purpose extends to a media production company as a result of developing all this. Along with a few dozen others, I have been on the receiving end of the blessing of their vision and purpose, being involved marginally in the business development and serving on the board of the charity they established. This is what I mean by practical. This is what I mean by living according to one’s Heart in vision, purpose, passion and mission. This is the significance of discovering core Self and life Purpose. So, I work on my books that others may come to know this sort of joy in life. It’s exciting and filled with positive energy, energy that makes a difference, energy that radiates love. Yeah, I need to step up my publishing game, because it’s just too much to keep to myself. Blessings!
Wouldn’t it be idyllic to live in a place where the prevailing spirit was peace and love, where no law enforcement or even government were required, and where no money was required because people all shared everything they had? Utopia — how wonderful!
It would suck if that’s all it was. I remember my first year of teaching and a story we read about a utopian society on another planet that humans could be transported to. It showed everyone smiling and happy, no crime, and all that good stuff. I asked a journal question leading into the story, prompted by a very basic question: Would you like to live in a perfect world? I’ll never forget the answer of a spunky little eighth grade girl. “No, it would make me sick everyone walking around smiling all the time. What would you do? Just sit around with stupid grins on your face? I would slap the smiles off of someone every day.” I laughed. She wasn’t a difficult, unhappy child — just realistic. I agreed with her. Why? Because the essence of humanity isn’t to sit around in peace and love and pleasure with no lack of anything ever. No, we have a drive deep within us because eternal Spirit dwells in us in the form of Heart, and that essence is Creator. We need to be involved in the process, along with all the challenges of working, creating, and figuring out ways to share that with others because we desire to share the eternal core Self, our personal identity and truth. It’s a process of action, not sappy, oblivious constant contentedness. Yet, we do want to enjoy that process; we want it to be significant, meaningful, and to know we matter and make a difference. That produces fulfillment, contentment. I have written much about connecting our entire physical, mind-soul, ego complex with Heart. all of which come as original equipment with us. The life almost everyone desires hinges on that connection. I’ve likened the process of that connection to a computer analogy: We are either functioning in our mind-soul component through the Ego Operating System (eOS) or the Heart Operating System (hOS). We arrive pre-loaded with eOS because it helps young humans to initiate their survival and growth in this world. However, Heart is ever there, speaking to us, reaching out to us. I think children sense this and transition and respond very naturally to it, but ego as a component of humans does not relinquish control so easily; therefore most of us never transitions to the hOS as children. Later, we must consciously, purposefully toggle to hOS. To show us the right key to hit, our Heart speaks in vibrational energies. We sense them at different times through the collection of life experiences. Different ways, very personal ways, exist to examine the collections of life. When some particular part of the collection stands out as a message from our Heart, we make connections and BOOM! That’s when we hit the command key to toggle to hOS. We truly meet and know Heart, core Self, which answers the question Who Am I. Heart then drives us to create, because that’s what Spirit does. All of this communication, the connections we make, and the creations we experience are based on the vibrational energies of life, and this leads us to another rich facet of living life based on the hOS: operating within an understanding of these energy fields. Many call this prayer. I don’t care what the phenomenon is called; I know it works. Because we are Creators, we can establish those energy fields for ourselves or others. How? Develop a clear picture of what qualities and ends we desire. Then, develop the emotions within the mind-soul connection while we picture our ends. Then, direct the energy of the picture and accompanying emotion at the target of anyone we wish, including ourselves. No limits, absolutely no limits on the possibilities of creation, and this creation, bringing about a new, different way of experience or existence, is prayer. To me, this is far deeper than a memorized prayer, although such can hold great value if at base level we engage the energy fields. It’s also much more than intricately contrived oratory, no matter how booming, weepy, or demanding it sounds; again, the effectiveness depends on the energy engagement. Some people think that perhaps this borders on relegating prayer to the status of magic. It does, because this is part of the deep magic and miracles of a Heart-based life. It’s powerful. Some folks also worry about the possibility of calling into being something that is selfish and maybe even evil. Heart does not direct us in those ways, and it is difficult to align visualization of ends with the corresponding emotions to act as anything other than blessing. I will add this: some people who have seen the possibilities of these principles but rejected their own Heart can still use this principle of the Universe, but the result will not bless others. When I send or speak blessings towards others, I am thinking in this sending-the-energy-field way of visualization and emotion. I don’t speak or write the word glibly or lightly. I’m giving pause to hold a picture of the person and their circumstances in my mind and engage the feelings and emotions of my soul on their behalf. If I invoke Blessing toward you in speech or writing, to whatever extent possible, I have you in my thoughts and heart. I am projecting positive energy to you. For different situations I picture and send different concepts: wholeness, health, well being, abundance, wisdom, peace, love, or any of thousands of possibilities. It’s an intensive process in some cases to develop the picture and emotions in concert, but it can be instantaneous. It doesn’t mean things will happen exactly as we picture them because if it involves people, they have to respond by willingly entering the energy field we set up. The creation will be there; the acceptance of it, though, is dependent on others. Engaging in the creation of blessing through this process produces such peace. At least it does for me because I know I’ve invested myself into another’s life. This very personal experience of this energy field creation (prayer) is a very important and enriching one because it’s borne of love. So when I end something like this with the simple word “Blessing,” I am picturing eyes reading these words and smiling or rereading for meaning; I am feeling the joy of connection and discovery as I wrote this for such a purpose — co-discoverers. Blessings! And special energy of blessing to the Sioux tribe and all their supporters in North Dakota. I have a very strong visualization and emotion for you. Blessings! What are indicators that we are more than a biochemical concoction held together by a musculoskeletal structure and skin? Ah, there’s the question of philosophers, religions, poets, and the list could keep going, as would the answers.
Tonight, though, I want to address just one answer: Creativity. Last night I shared four questions that could help someone identify their core Self. I think it’s helpful to name our Heart identity, a name that characterizes the essence of one’s being when under the control of the Heart operating system. My questions focused on times and patterns of inspiration, because those times are probably instances when our Heart speaks to us. The accumulation of life experiences comprises a collection — of everything that is our life. The times we remember, the special times, and those times of inspiration, especially are instances of connection. Whether it be a framework for learning or a framework for finding out who we really are, those two phases are crucial: Collect and Connect. We experience this to get to one great, amazing, thrilling phase: Create. We create because as humans we have this inherent need to do something with all that collecting and connecting. That is proof that we have eternal Spirit in us. We are creators, innovators. The spectacular, incredible part of all this is that over the course of human history, every single invention, creation, innovation, and all those associated concepts, have been conceived to meet the five basic needs of humanity, if we accept Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Languages, sciences, engineering, all varieties of art — visual, auditory, written, kinesthetic — all for physiological, safety, belonging and love, esteem, and self-actualization needs. All billions upon billions of expressions of creativity in the history of mankind for only five areas of need. We are creators because we embody eternal creator Spirit in each of us. Oh, things go wrong to foul the beauty of it all sometimes because Ego doesn’t appreciate creativity unless it can use it to convince mind and soul that we are superior in some way. Heart, though, creates beauty. In Genesis 1:1, 2, the Bible says God created, and the Spirit (God is Spirit) was the agent of creation that made this scene to fulfill humanity’s needs. That essence of Spirit is in me and you. We collect life experiences, we connect in certain ways with some, and we create when we make real meaning from those connections. Whatever we do with our lives, we create. Are we creating from knowing our Heart and the inspiration and identity of that core Self, or are we creating from the operating system of Ego? As I’ve said before, no rights or wrongs here, but there are consequences. So, a further question is this: Do you want to fulfill expressing eternal Spirit in a mortal body and know you are significant, you matter, and you are loved? Then, you must consciously choose Heart as your operating system. We can each know that, but we must come to know core Self, meet and love who we are at Heart level. Then miracles, magic, and purpose begin — oh, and creativity of beauty, the beauty of eternal, intangible, ethereal Spirit expressing itself through you, through me, through mortal, very tangible, worldly bodies. What forms do your creations assume? You’re reading one of mine right now! Blessings! This morning, I wrote a rather labored model of how friendships develop, all to end up with the need to meet our core Self. Somewhere at some point each of us comes face to face with Heart, that part of us that is eternal Spirit.
The reality is these moments may occur many times. Hearts want that relationship, so they pursue us, speak to us, whisper, sometimes even shout. Our mind and soul come pre-loaded with the ego operating system, so it takes a conscious recognition to understand the offer of the Heart operating system and make a choice, and we are offered that choice many times. Those moments when we have that choice is when we look back over our life as a collection of facts, of evidence, that Heart has been working. Most of the time we don’t evaluate. When Heart speaks to us, I think we must take the time, give ourselves some space, and ask ourselves some questions. Why must we do that? We need to see those periods in our lives when Heart leanings have been there, when that eternal Spirit in us made itself known. We then can see where connections existed and where they might exist in coming to know Self. Way back on April 4, I posed some questions that I hoped would help people recognize the workings of core Self. If you decide to address these questions, please make it a time when you will not be interrupted by people or electronics and leave a sufficient amount of time, too. I will leave the questions to you to answer. A few questions that might help you discover! 1.What has inspired you recently? 2.What patterns have you recognized about things that inspire you throughout your life? 3.What inspirations have driven you to action, i.e., what inspiration has been translated into enthusiastic motivation powerful enough to make you do something? (Not all passing excitement translates into enthusiasm; also these don’t have to be dramatic acts.) 4.If you chose a name, one word, after having a session of speaking with your own heart, what might that be, a name that characterizes that Self you sense has been working throughout your life, a name that is associated with those things that have truly inspired you and caused you to do something, to act, to enjoy, to live in enthusiasm? I focused on inspiration for a reason: inspiration means to breathe in, an act that says we accept something from outside of self. You see, Ego comes as standard equipment with no connection to a bigger picture — just little ol’ me. Heart, though, is part of Spirit. Ego doesn’t like that because it represents risk of some kind or another because it comes from without, from eternal Spirit. My point is that when we acknowledge that some person, event, book, music, artwork, anything is inspiring, it may very well be the work of Heart seeking that connection, the most important friendship we would ever establish. A friendship usually starts with an exchange of names. Did you hear the one your Heart spoke to you? I hope so, because this is where a great journey begins. This is where fellowship with your Heart begins. It’s fun to share life with a friend who only knows unconditional love, has access to limitless power, and wants nothing more than for us to realize that power in as many facets of our life as we wish to implement it. Hope this helps! I wrote this morning about the continuing situation at Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. The Native Americans there, along with many supporters, are attempting to stop the Dakota Access pipeline from being installed under the bed of the Missouri River.
I have seen posts on Facebook and articles that are denigrating the protestors and supporters. I have desired to raise awareness of the situation. My personal opinion based on articles I have seen is that the authorities of the parent company, Energy Transfer Partners, and the Army Corps of Engineers as well as local law enforcement and private mercenaries are unconscionable liars. At the very least, though, I want to briefly point out there are two sides to every story. No, I’m not wimping on my opinion. I am saying that every instance that the “authorities” have given as justification for their actions has been a lie, except for a notable one. Technically, the land where the pipeline runs is just barely off of the reservation, but it does run through ancestral grounds and sacred sites. The duplicity involved in this sickens me. The company and governmental authorities might as well have lined up on the reservation border, stuck out their tongues, plugged their thumbs in their ears, and waved their fingers while shouting “nonnie, nonnie, boo, boo.” They are assholes. I read the justification that officers have to do what they are ordered to do. No, no they don’t. It depends on how much you value others lives and rights. Tonight, I simply want to act as a megaphone, helping to amplify the voice of the Water Protectors in North Dakota. The officials have upped the ante of violence over the past few days, hypocritically so. For instance, the Army Corps says it is going to shut down the camp that is officially on their land, which land should never have been theirs anyway. They say it is out of health concerns for the people with winter coming on. They did nothing to stop other “authorities” from shooting the protestors with water cannons for six hours in 23 degree weather, did they? Do you understand the implication? The Native Americans are going to be relocated — once again. They are not even going to bother with treaties this time. It would be almost laughable if it weren’t such a perfect illustration of voice being robbed and minorities being marginalized. And if the people don’t go, they will be arrested, prosecuted. An oligarchy in league with the local and federal government defined the course of action, drew in the protestors, and will now make them criminals. So tonight, if I could speak directly to the Water Protectors, I would tell them they matter. I would ask them to state their case. I would listen. I would let them know I want to see the evidence so that I could write more powerfully about the situation. I would give them opportunity to express their Voice in a way that could not be strangled or muffled and eventually buried by a rigged, suffocating oligarchy. But I can’t. So I simply write my Heart and honestly, purposefully, directly send positive, sustaining energy their way every day, several times a day. I will do what I can. I would do without the gas and oil, too, if they are successful. The energy of Heart is on the side of the Water Protectors, i.e., that spirit characterizes them overall, especially their leadership. The energy of Ego dominates the others, the oligarchy of self-centered power brokers whose leadership has no compunction about trashing what is left of the history and sacred places of a people who were marginalized. They were slaughtered, robbed, deceived, and legislated against. Then, they were placed within reservation boundaries that limited them in far deeper ways than social mobility. The same thing is happening to them today, and it is a travesty. However, when Heart action is taken and love is expressed, those who know Self will ultimately defeat those who purposefully seek their own benefit at any cost. Not all the duped pawns enforcing the oligarchy’s designs are in that category — at all. But choices have to be made. In the end, each individual must make the choice to hear and heed Heart or to allow Ego to maintain control. Most folks are lost in a muddled morass of ego-induced lassitude; they just don’t care or think that much about the questions embedded deep in their minds and souls. They just want to survive. That is exactly what Ego does. Survive, make a profit regardless of consequences or effects on anyone else, whatever benefits me — all Ego drives. All characteristic of the “authorities” in the situation at Standing Rock. Knowing ourselves and living our Purpose, doing it as best we can, that will change these kinds of situations more effectively than anything. For me, this is part of my Purpose and Vision — to write and help others discover core Self, and part of that includes my writing to help give voice to those who have been marginalized, to those who need to be heard. Find yourself, find your voice, and find love and peace. |
Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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