Do you know why I have shared so consistently and voluminously? I have desired to bring you along on my journey. My journey — that of my awakened Self who I have named Discovery, and NO, I do not go around saying that is my name in everyday life, i.e., not a weirdo! — includes working through the publication of my novel and my nonfiction book.
I feel like I have let some early followers down who were supportive and looking forward to my publications. I have learned a lot about myself in the past sixteen months, and I know I move a lot slower than a lot of people. It’s because of my personality, one which includes being a holistic learner, acting from deep intrinsic motivation, and starting this blog itself. I’ll be honest here; I had an idea of what to expect when I started this daily blog, but I didn’t attach to specific outcomes. I saw the possibilities of it becoming a platform to acquaint readers with my philosophy, one that is different enough to require thought but not that freakin’ hard. I have used my beliefs about awakening, about the Ego-Heart dynamics within each of us, and about how those apply to life. If anyone would read my work, they would know I have analyzed literature and authors through this lens, other expressions of art and artists, philosophers, professionals, governments and governance, history, and everyday psychology that comes into play in such musings. Being self-aware, I am know I have a problem with procrastination and, consequently, consistency. I knew at Heart level I needed to do this. I also took into consideration the advice of some vloggers who recommended one thing for success above all others: upload every day. Now, the day and age and context are different, but my blogs are usually rated from four to five minute reads on, and that is less than half of most daily vloggers. Why not engage is something I feel offers value and creates more value for me? I thought of the things I could share, those that I have referred to already, things that tell the story of my daily thoughts. I would love to have the sort of following Casey Neistat has, but I took the words of Gary Vaynerchuk to heart: one is better than none. Over the course of these months, at times the ones and tens have come slowly it seems. I have persevered, though. I started with the belief that what I had to share and the lens through which I view life holds value for a significant number of people, so I dove in. At first, I spent eight or more hours a day producing my wring and social media posts and work. I have improved in speed, and I hope quality, but I have allowed this to slow down my book production. That’s okay, though, because I have learned and formed relationships and been blessed in this work, and I have improved my writing through this blog. I will say that such matters are very personal, the decisions and actions on a day to day basis. Knowing my Heart and engaging in daily fellowship with my Heart has been crucial. It reminds me of my original purposes, which is why I am writing this tonight. I sit hear on my patio with citronella candles flickering around me, wafting their sweet scent and keeping mosquitoes away — so far. Strands of cottony clouds glow orange as the sun sets and I face west. The surrounding trees are silhouetted against the dimming sky, their now blackened leaves dancing lightly in a soft breeze, and I feel full, content, that I have written and expressed my Heart as Discovery, sharing those discoveries with you and encouraging you to become discoverers of your own identity and creator of your own purpose. This morning, I worked on ideas for my nonfiction work, the one in which I have endeavored to lay out my experience and understanding of awakening. I believe it’s crucial for everyone to become self-aware, to spiritually awaken, no matter what terms are used. As the history of humanity progresses, I feel many more folks care about their purpose in the world. I also feel the reason for that is a growing sense the the stakes are higher as the false boundaries of nations are erased by the advent of technology and burgeoning communication links we have. We cannot ignore one another any more. With this in mind, I am going to copy and paste with a little revision ideas I shared from this morning, possibilities for my book. It’s part of my journey, so I continue to allow you a window into my mind and soul, because when one is awakened and sharing Purpose in any form of millions times millions of possibilities, love is the ultimate Heart rationale. It’s a damn great one. Here are my thoughts from this morning. I want them collected in my blog for my own purposes, which is one reason I’m copying and pasting here — come to think of it, probably with no revision! “I’m really not settled on a title, so for now I’m just going with the short form of Discover Self and Create Purpose, no, maybe the -ing form of Discovering Self and Creating Purpose. I’ll see what my designer thinks next week! With that, some — what? Pitches, blurbs, tag lines? 1. Are you doing what you really want to do? Plan the changes as you work through Discovering Self and Creating Purpose, designed for the questioning person. 2. Remember that sweet, warm, velvet summer night sky, littered with the stars of the constellations, each one flashing its essence at you: “What’s life all about?” Turn your wondering into wandering through the pages of Discovering Self and Creating Purpose. Then, answer the stars! 3. Who am I? Why am I here? Let your wonder lead you to wander through Discovering Self and Creating Purpose to live the life of your dreams. 4. Discover the power and beauty of You in the pages of Discovering Self and Creating Purpose, with questions to help you determine You.” Blessings!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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