Writing a novel challenges and intrigues me. While I am currently working through some decisions, I love it. I will write my way through it. I will think and try on some paragraphs and conversations, and then, I will have another page, another chapter.
Being intrigued by the craft, practicing it, finding ways to write better, being more efficient and engaging, and simply sharing my Heart make my work important. Oh, I know it may not be to some, but it will be to those in the fellowship of the Heart. Anyone working their passions and doing it because it’s important to themselves will draw others. Enthusiasm is contagious. Enthusiasm produces excellence because anyone passionate about their work will find ways to keep growing, keep creating excellence. To me, such people inspire confidence because they know their craft, no matter what the craft is. It could be someone working a cash register, a gardener, a plumber, a teacher, or any of the thousands of pursuits human beings follow. People who lose themselves in their work — in an enthusiastic, delighted way — make others want to understand them, know them, connect with them, and relate to them in some form or fashion. For such folks, life and work form an organic whole, especially when they are operating via Heart. It is possible to be engaged for some time through Ego, but the burnout will come because there is still not a sense of the grand purpose of life for them, even when they’re very talented and accomplished at their job. Why am I pondering these things tonight? One reason is that I’m wrestling with the craft part of my writing in The Fellowship of the Heart. I want my dialog to sound natural, and I’m working on that because my writing reflects my belief in this whole spiritual awakening aspect of humanity. I want the novel to work, to be good. It’s my first novel, and I know I have much to learn. With something like this, as with many things, the apprentice has to start producing and keep learning and improving. Yep, that’s me right now. However, I still want this to be a work that helps people discover Self and join in the creation of their own life Purpose. Pretty big deal to me. And this being a big deal to me is where my morning meditations began. Since I’m all about discovery, I know no one learns or discovers much without asking questions, and I posed some to my Heart this morning, questions about how many people even think about the sort of ideas I have written about in this blog for a bit over thirteen months and seek to illustrate through the book. When I speak on a personal level with some people, they just don’t have much response to the concept of self-awareness, spiritual awakening, speaking to their own Heart. Is it a far-fetched idea? Does it really just not matter? Is there no practical consequence or potential benefit in doing so? Don’t get me wrong; some people are excited about it, really! Recently, though, I have gotten responses like “How can anyone really know who they are or their purpose in life?” “I know I asked for your advice, but don’t tell my to follow my Heart!” I still love them and have relationships with them, but have they even read my hashtags?! My Heart never fails to answer, and this led to my truth this morning. I am the one who makes the difference. My belief, enthusiasm, passion, growth in my craft, and sharing my Heart, my core Self with the Universe — all of those will make what I write and think and believe relevant to souls who want it. I become the marketer, the cheerleader, the manager, or anything that is needed to live my truth and display Self to this world. I don’t have to manipulate or coerce or bribe — just live my Purpose and truth through my writing: “If you build it, they will come” idea! So, I continue working on creating dialog and plot that makes the concept of self-awakening and self-awareness sound very natural. It’s important to me, and I love the possibility of others being roused to question and discover and explode into their beautiful, eternal selves through what I do. In the meantime, I will be the one enjoying those rides — and working on the novel tomorrow! Blessings in your craft!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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