I started my Morning Pages today with a question popularized by the Spice Girls, or something close to it: What do I want, do I really, really want? In my experience, when it comes down to answering that question in reference to one’s life, very few can.
I want to encourage you to answer that question. It can be anything. There are no wrong answers. Nope, there are not. And the reality that so many people can’t respond to that makes it easy to see why folks are clamoring for self-help products and any writing, quotes, posts, or anything they can consume about the law of attraction, finding self, or somehow mystically running into a life purpose. This is just to help any who need to answer the above question. You see, the law of attraction works no matter if anyone understands it or not. Gravity worked before Isaac Newton, too. Once we know about such powerful dynamics, though, why not use them to our advantage and use them to help us lead the sorts of lives that deep down so many of us thirst for. To appropriate the benefits of it, I am going to describe my concept with my language. I want to make it clear: I’m thankful for those who use any language to encourage us to live life fully. When all is said and done, life is about enjoying the journey, feeling like it’s worth being here because it’s fun being here, and my efforts and description should lead others to that. If they don’t, then I’m doing a shitty job of communicating. Throughout life, I believe our Heart appeals to us to consciously hear it. Heart is core Self, and core Self wants to be known and acknowledged. When that doesn’t happen, confusion and emotional dissatisfaction occur, and those abound today. I’m not talking about some schizophrenic episode; Heart is part of our being, just like Ego, but the reason we came into this physical realm is to discover that we have this vital piece of eternal Spirit in us. Discovering Self begins a more informed, more fun, more significant journey. Once we do that, we can create our purpose. We get to choose how we will live as core Self. It will be very natural if we have known Heart, discovered Self, because Spirit intends this life to flow in a full, satisfying, fun, organic way. The point of Purpose is to express that core Self to the world, and we get to envision how to do that in a multiplicity of ways. We need to engage in that Vision-ing every day for a few minutes. We should develop crystal clear pictures. When those pictures get clear of living our core Self in this world, we should feel joy and many positive emotions. Emotions propel us to manifest, to realize the vision. But there’s more. Do you see and feel what it’s like to be living the vision you have pictured from the purpose you have created to live your core Self honestly and fully and ego-free in this life? Great, then what do you need to do to step towards that? Make a list, really. These are goals. Execute. Do it. Take any steps, any action you can to walk into the light of your vision. Then keep going. When one is fulfilled, move on to the next. This isn’t difficult — well, let me restate that. It wouldn’t be difficult if Ego weren’t part of our makeup. But it is. Ego will put up roadblocks: no time to spend four or five minutes visualizing every day; can’t trust those feelings — what if you have deep, subconscious ulterior motives?; you aren’t trained for that; you will have to get another degree to do that. You get the drift? Ego wants control, and if those are the vibes you are sending out, that is what you will get. Do you have any idea how happy controllers are? They’re not; they’re always facing real or imagined problems because they can’t control everything. They rarely know peace. We are creatures who emit, transmit, and broadcast energies of life, of the universe. The specific transmissions conjure similar responses. It’s like tuning a radio. If you are in the mood for one type of music, you tune the radio to a specific frequency. Same thing with us. We’ll get what we tune to. Let me take the radio analogy a bit further. When we turn on our vibrational signals, we emit frequencies, we transmit, broadcast. In a sense, we are a radio transceiver. We transmit and receive electromagnetic frequencies. When we send out specific frequencies, that’s where we are tuned and we, transmitting from one frequency will get responses from others on that same frequency, i.e., we get what we ask for. If we use our Heart, core Self, to do the tuning, then we can expect amazing things — things that we have visualized and called for through electromagnetic frequencies, the energies of life. My hope is that we will make it clear, feel the fun and joy, and hit the freakin’ “Transmit” button by taking action towards the vision. Does that make sense? Good. The Universe is listening for your transmission, whether it is through Ego or Heart. Produce a great show from the Heart to send out and expect to receive a return transmission with everything you put out there. That’s using the law of attraction to your advantage.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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