Today, we had a bit of a reprieve in our area of the country — still hot but much more tolerable. This just made me more aware of Nature and her messages than I have been for the past week or so. I always feel off-kilter, disoriented, when this happens. Maybe the news events of the past week have had something to do with that, too.
However, I do know that it is stupid to choose feeling disoriented or staying bummed out when I can make a decision. This morning as I walked with my puppies, I realized that I was crabby and impatient and just wanted to get back home. Whoa! My puppies are interested in every bunny or squirrel or long piece of grass blowing in the breeze, and I was getting harsh with them. Decision time: Listen to my puppies or listen to my ego, rationalizing why I had a right to be crabby — woke up really early, a lot to do, blah, blah, blah. Always something. My puppies, yes, I chose my puppies. Now, I do make them walk without sniffing or that’s all they would do; however, I know when it’s sniffing time, they check out every blade of grass, they hear every loud car or bark of other dogs, they somehow instinctively know when a hawk flies over and bark until it’s gone. The point is that I can learn from them: be acutely aware of my natural environment and listen. My puppies show me to be aware, actively experiencing nature, especially, but one step more is needed on my part. I need to connect core Self to what I am experiencing, ask the questions of my heart, listen for the answers — in short, enjoy the fellowship of the heart. Why? Because when I connect with nature, my heart can show me things that are otherwise unavailable to my conscious mind at that time. It’s almost immediate. The second I got home, I arranged myself outside in order to write my morning pages. I experienced the wind, noticed how it seemed to wrap around me, and then, sensed what it brought my way. Native American and ancient Celtic teachings about natural elements help me interpret them, but that knowledge is meaningless until I can relate it to my experience. What did I see this morning? I was crabby and short because I have been impatient to know how my editor will respond to my book; I wondered how so many people have so many social media responses; I began to question if… No, I stopped myself there, because that is when I heard the dove, the bird for me that has encouraged my writing, in a sense been my muse. The dove carries the significance of water, new water coming, waters of new life and link with creative energies. From my transition of teaching to writing, the dove has been there — a creative new life expression, direction. Guess what sat at my backyard fence line, cooing its song of waters of new life. Then, the robin — it almost flew right into me. The robin represents the spread of new growth. Oh, my novel, my writing is a medium of new growth. Oh, I heard the crow, too, the bird of the magic of re-creating one’s life. Yes, they all fit. Far-fetched? To many, I’m sure, but to me, to my time of communing with my heart and nature, in touch with the Spirit, it was all I needed in a matter of seconds to stop that phrase “I began to question…” NOTHING. Leave it. I am the greatest. At the time I create, the time I write, I believe I am the greatest — no room for questions, self-doubts. No room because if I don’t believe that, I don’t believe that people would decide to read anything I create before all the other millions of choices. So, why do I write? Well, really it is the expression of core Self, my identity, my life purpose now, but at the exact time I hit the publish button or send my manuscripts in, I write because I believe that I am the greatest. Folks may take issue with that, and I explained last night that I believe at the specific moment that any of us create, we should feel that way. And I appreciate that about others and don’t feel challenged by their greatness. I want them all to be the greatest; I love that idea. We should all feel that way about ourselves — greatest for us in that moment of expression. I don’t feel that I am better than others in all essential human characteristics, but for that second of making myself known, I am the greatest in that little element at that specific time. I hope at some point all feel like that. Nature can help give us that message to be interpreted by our hearts. None of it, however, can begin without coming to know Self. Yes, start there, and end there, and in between, let nature and all of life tell us that we are magic, that we are the greatest.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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