Today has been a full day for me, a good day. This evening, I experienced anger at an email I received from the Wolf Conservation Center about Senate Joint Resolution 18 that allows various forms of inhumane killing of wolves and hibernating bears in order to improve game hunting opportunities for lazy ass hunters who want to make Nature fit into their vacation time tables.
Okay, I’m getting all worked up again, but I will say I will never again support the sponsoring Republican party — unless they show Heart-truth dominates their platform, deliberations, and decisions. This is a global world, including respect and responsibility towards all of Nature in all of this planet. I will also say that I had no intention of dealing with this tonight, but you may find my Facebook post on my wall about the wolves and S.J. Res. 18 interesting. (Just search Michael DePung on FB and you should see it). In the meantime, I am pleased to report that I have followed my own counsel in my ebook. I referred to it this morning, and I completed it this evening. I mentioned in the ebook, tentatively titled The Whole Ball of…Everything: The Grand Unified Theory of Humanity, how I am not a stickler for writing down everything I plan on doing every day. However, I said when I start missing my own short-term goals, I need to start getting it done. I took way longer on the ebook than I thought I would. The manuscript went to my editor and graphic designer tonight. Since I worked on this today and since I spent time on the legislative action this evening, I am going to share the section of my own book that jumped out at me as I read through it today. I hope it may be meaningful to you. _______________________________________________ 5. Goals If we want to be doers of the Mission, ones who get the work done, goals can help. In fact, they become the outward, physical expression of core Self, that Heart-Self who we have come to know and with whom we have co-created Purpose and Vision. When our Mission is clear, goals become clear. Many people have goals, but when I ask them about what they ultimately want to accomplish, they have a vague big picture. They can be really busy getting to nowhere in particular when they are not using the Heart operating system. However, when we live in Heart-energy, we will have a big picture, and goals take that picture from the mind of the artist and give it brush strokes to make it a reality, a work of beauty. I could make the analogy more exact, but I am emphasizing the point that I need, as do most people, some sort of practicality and reality to the soul-mind, emotional-mental Purpose, Vision, and Mission. We need to work them out through our body in one way or another. After all, we are a soul-mind-body complex, and Spirit, by coming with us to this realm in Heart, wishes to experience the physical. Goals signal our mind to tell our body to get moving. Goals may be broken down into short, medium, and long term. From these we may generate to-do lists. I’m not too fastidious about all this. Yes, I have goals, and they are categorized. Yes, sometimes I make a little to-do list, but my goals as a writer pretty much imply my daily to-do’s. I definitely am not that super-organizational, linear, step 1, 2, 3, and it’s finished. I don’t color code for categories and priorities. Whole books are written about how to create goals and actions. If that’s your thing, go for it. Like I said, I’m aware of some methods and use them as needed, especially when I end up not hitting my short term goals. We need to execute in order to see our creation, to physically manifest our creation. As we design our goals and actions, the innovation may be guided by making lists based on how we want to feel. The things we map out for ourselves should be things we want to emotionally experience every day; of course, that all generates from who we are as core Self. When we base our goals on emotions, we leave ourselves open to the magic and miracles of the Universe. Why? Emotions summon, attract life energies, and positive frequencies accelerate manifestation. This isn’t a natural, I-got-this reaction, but Heart will lead us as we continue our fellowship. I will never stop learning, nor should I. Expecting and channeling magic and miracles can be a direct result of goal-setting according to emotions. It’s an awesome way of life. To know it, we have to set the goals and execute the actions. Oh, and don’t forget to enjoy every single step you can. After all, that’s the point of all this life. I would want to reinforce what I have said already: there are no rights or wrongs. Just do things and fellowship with Heart and know the warm embrace of the Spirit of all, of the Universe itself. However detailed you are, the following questions could help you on your goal-setting adventure, one that reveals your beautiful Self in its Mission: 1.What emotions do you wish to experience when acting on your Mission? (Check all your goals and to-do actions against your answers to this question.) 2. What goals do you need to reach to fulfill your Mission? 3. How long will each goal take? (Think about breaking down by weeks (short term), two to four months (medium term), and then up to a year (longer term).) 4. What daily actions can you take to move forward on the goals? 5. Which short term goals allow you to make progress towards the longer term ones? 6. How are you feeling about the daily actions on your list? Go! _________________________________________________________ One goal for the rest of this week will be to continue my rewrite of my novel, The Fellowship of the Heart, spending at least two hours a day on it. Another will be to continue, for now, my daily writing. Blessings!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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