Let’s get real about reality. If you’re a so-called pragmatist, you might as well not waste your time reading further than this if you believe you have the right take on everything — you know, because you can see things as they are.
Things are never as they seem — to a pragmatist or a realist. How ironic is that? Realists believe that facts are facts and that’s the way it is. That’s never the way it is — for anyone else. I know you know the saying that perception is truth. It is. If you say no it’s not, that’s fine, but I immediately know that you’re a pragmatist. Pragmatists classically have little idea of what their dreams are, what they want to do with their lives, or who they are. But, by damn, they know the facts. Okay, I definitely am not finding fault, just making an observation. I wouldn’t want a pragmatist to start looking at my life and start staying what that looks like. Shit! I would probably come out looking like a monster! My point is this, honestly, at least it’s the one I started with: we create our reality — plain and simple. I love you no matter what you think; I’m stating my opinion here. We create our own reality. I think I should stop there, and I would if you were students in my classroom. I would ask you to spend the next fifteen to twenty minutes and write a journal response to that prompt: We create our own reality. Agree, disagree, or somewhere in between. At least fifteen solid minutes of writing. Then, I would ask for volunteers to read their responses. No matter how many did, I would collect them all, shuffle them, and read them aloud, anonymously. What would you say? I know I would see a variety of answers, many very well reasoned, that proves my point: we create our own realities. How we feel about the facts, no matter what they are, reveals our mindset and our personal truth. I also know from education (and from television and movies) that eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. Why? Because we create our own reality. Reality is not facts. Reality is the way we think ands feel about the “facts” based on our philosophy and personal truth, and that creates new “facts” for you or me or whoever is doing the observing, analyzing, and evaluating. This is one of the reasons I possess a quality that is not necessarily noble: I’m kind of oppositional-defiant when it comes to authorities. They don’t have all the answers or appropriate responses. Speaking of authorities, though, I love Shakespeare’s works. They have remained so relevant — still studied, still produced, still translated into movies and adaptations, because Will knew what makes us tick as human beings. In The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Hamlet tells his friends, who are spying on him, “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so” (2.2). Too bad Hamlet didn’t decide to create a different reality for himself; the play wouldn’t have been a tragedy for him. Shakespeare got it: “thinking makes it so,” makes it true, makes it reality. What is our reality about our life circumstances, about who we are, about what we think we should be doing here? We get to choose. We can use this to great advantage, good and right advantage. We, through the now-famous law of attraction, create vibrational energy that draws the “facts,” “reality,” to us, i.e., we manifest it. Manifestation occurs through Heart or Ego. No matter what we are currently experiencing, we have created it. However, we can now choose Heart through which to generate positive energy and make the reality work for our own benefit. I have heard friends, acquaintances, and even strangers say that their current circumstances are not what they want, but it’s just life, it’s just the way it is, and they have to deal with it. That’s their reality because they said so, they live it so. It doesn’t have to be — if they want it to be different. I get back to the main thrust of my Purpose: knowing who we are and creating our own Purpose to shape our reality. Knowing Self, fellowshipping with Heart, and envisioning our reality makes a huge difference. Of course — and I hope this satisfies my pragmatic friends — we need to work our asses off towards those realities. Know what, though? Our realities should be so amazing, so wonderful, bizarre, crazy, fulfilling, significant that whatever we are doing to create our reality should be a freakin’ blast. If that’s not your reality, why isn’t it? What we think and speak often determine what we live. What we do definitely shapes our reality. I am not going any further than this tonight. I need to spend some time creating my reality.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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