Judgment and blessing hold great power both for those judged and the judge, for those blessed and the blesser.This morning, I thought of two biblical ideas in reference to these ideas.
The first is in reference to Jesus of Nazareth, who at one point is confronted by a crowd demanding the death of a prostitute. They judge her worthy of death. Their judgment is worthless, as Jesus says, “Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone.” Nobody could do it. Why? In essence, he says to them, “Judge your own sin. Each of you need to take care of yourselves.” He tells the Pharisees later on to take the log out of their own eye before they try to remove a stick from someone else’s. It’s all about minding our own souls. We need to look to our own soul. We need to understand the root of all sin lies in the neglect of hearing our own Heart. This can happen either because we allow Ego to rule by default, which happens when we don’t consciously seek Heart, or because we have heard Heart and have consciously rejected it. No, neither you nor I are in a position to set ourselves up as judges. And I will tell you this: Ego loves that shit, but deep down it makes us heart-sick. It’s rotten to always be evaluating the worth or merit or actions of others, especially when we don’t know the whole story. Based on the wild, stupid shit ignorant, cruel people post on social media about whole subcultures of those who are different from themselves, this is rampant. And yes, in a way my statement is a judgment, but the judgment lies in this. When people act in cruel, destructive, demeaning ways, i.e., when their actions are outwardly expressed towards others, then my judgment says they are not listening to their own hearts. Such people are weak and unhappy in their souls. They have no joy that is deep, Heart-joy. And my opinion would stop there about personal matters. The other idea spoken of in the Bible is blessing. Blessings can be quantified, sometimes, by the receiver; however, what is going on with the blesser? It is said in the book of Hebrews that the lesser is blessed by the greater. If we can send positive, good, kind, and loving thoughts to others who are, momentarily, in some down or weakened state, we are greater. I am not talking superiority by nature here, only by circumstance, because the blesser can be in need of blessing in a matter of seconds. However, for the moment, the blesser has a way of looking at life that they can share with someone in need, someone who isn’t quite there yet, someone who is struggling, i.e., someone who hasn’t learned or achieved where the blesser is. The blesser is sharing personal truth, Heart-truth, which is sharing love. Those who can share blessing with others are themselves blessed, blessed by the eternal, divine nature in them. That’s what is really going on with the blesser, and it’s nothing close to a show of superiority. Blessing others reveals Heart-filter is being used. Blessers see the great things of life as abundant, unlimited, and available to all, and they share that. When I view the world, my world, like that, it produces joy. Sharing the abundance of the Universe by sharing my love with others creates a big old blessing circle. It’s a lot more fulfilling than depending on others to give me things that make me feel good. That’s an odd, almost victim, mentality, a pity party: “Won’t somebody bless me, give me something, because I’m so hard up?” Next time we realize we are on the verge of pronouncing judgment on someone, clamoring for their censure or maybe even death because we feel they are so evil, we should stop and think about how that will make us feel. We should stop and see if we are listening to our Heart. We should ask Heart if we are living our truth in such a way that we can’t condemn self. If we do that, I’m pretty damn sure we’ll do exactly what the crowd around Jesus did. Slink away with our heads hung low. When those times come that Ego uses to tempt us to judge, cry out to Heart and ask for the way of blessing to address or think about that person. (Blessing doesn’t have to be given face to face, necessarily). Choose to live and walk and respond according to our personal truth; that will bless others and bless us. How I look at life determines how life looks at me. So, I choose to live the eternity and divinity that is Me, my Heart, core Self. I choose to allow in and embrace Love, not judgment — Heart not Ego. I will choose to live in an attitude of blessing today, looking on life as miraculous, engaging the magic, and enjoying the progress of building my vision. I know that will bless others.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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