When someone as insightful as Albert Einstein says there are only two ways to perceive life, I listen: “One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Things are things; it’s only our processing of those things as they relate to and affect us that places any relative value on them.
Einstein understood things that we can’t even see with the naked eye, theorized the inscrutable based on evidence and reasoning. And he chose to look at life, a life into which he saw so deeply, as miraculous. Someone operating with a primary reliance on Ego would never be able to make such a statement. Ego finds too many problems, too many challenges, too many excuses to view everything in life as a miracle. In my novel, The Fellowship of the Heart, one of the protagonists, Eric Lafarnge, has discovered Self and begun to see purpose in his life. His shift in attitude and perceptions becomes evident to those he works with. In this passage, Eric, a lawyer, discusses his awakening with his main paralegal assistant, Jen. ____________________________________________________________ “Okay, but you’re saying people see a change.” “Yep, from apathy to intensity. It’s like you took a super vitamin and got your pep back. You compliment people again and you are using me a lot less. To me, that says you actually are invested in your cases — like you used to be.” “Thanks, Jen.” “Your turn, dude. You promised, kind of.” “It’s not a big secret. For the past few months before my ‘super vitamin,’ I came to that classic question it seems so many come to about finding themselves. I really had lost sense of self and my purpose for being a lawyer, being anything, really. I’ve connected with my heart, and I am enjoying this. I know for now I’m doing what I want to do.” “Okay, then, Eric. You know what? I think a lot of people haven’t made that heart connection you mentioned. It sure shows. Hell, you even bought us all lunch for the last two Fridays.” “Yeah. I want you all to know I appreciate you. How amazing is it that our lives have intersected here at this firm in this little division? I don’t think it’s accidental.” “Not everyone is so happy to be here as you, but at least they see a difference. And it makes a difference.” Jen started to get up but sat back into the chair. “Hey, what about the partnership? Is that making you any happier.” Eric got up, walked around his desk and behind Jen, and closed the door. “Okay, this is confidential. You asked, and we’re friends. I am not planning on taking that position at this time. Nobody knows this — not Jack, not Peter. I want to just let it ride for now — no mentions. I want to do exactly what I’m doing.” “Eric, this is huge. How could you not jump on this? What exactly is it you’re loving about this right now?” “Jen, I get to be a voice for the voiceless in a shitty rigged system that has been cross layered by power players trying to cover their asses. I love seeking real justice for those who have no idea how to penetrate those layers. I’m passionate about this.” “Obviously! Okay, Eric, but how does Anne feel about this?” “She hates it. I’m not saying anything else about Anne and me right now.” “Got it. Okay. Time to get to work. Do you have anything for me, or should I go see what I can do for one of these other guys who are like you were a month or so ago?” “Here. I need you to do some research on these specific topics — cases, decisions, arguments used. These cases are getting really specific, Jen. I really need your expertise.” “You’ve got it. It’s fun to work with this energy. Thanks.” “I see everything in a different light. It’s all me, all my perception, and I see little miracles everywhere. Ms. Oprimida is one, because she will have justice for her husband’s death.” _________________________________________________________ Eric’s knowledge of his own Heart and his purpose of seeking justice for the voiceless produces a passion and enthusiasm in him that colors his life and infuses that energy into the lives of those around him. I wrote about Jonas Salk two days ago. I didn’t use this quote, but it has the same character to it as Einstein’s. Salk also worked with phenomena that were not visible to us, but his sense of understanding of life and the energies of life allowed him to “…picture [him]self as a virus or cancer cell and tried to sense what it would be like.” Can you imagine? Me, neither, but he did. He understood and viewed life as miraculous. So cool to be connected to people who walked in the fellowship of the Heart. Hey, we can, too! We don’t need to be geniuses; we only need to respond to our own Heart! People know the difference between one who operates by Ego and one who operates by Heart. One can’t sees everything as pragmatic and mundane; the other sees miracles all around.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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