Today, I have continued thinking about relationships to Self, to others, and to life and the Universe in general. Pretty big topic, isn’t it?
But I have a focus, in a way. I have learned to not completely trust myself to be cogent when I am emotional about anything. And I’m emotional about what happened in London yesterday. I’m emotional about what is happening in South Sudan and Somalia and Syria. I need to stop Ego-controlled emotions that in turn control my mind and soul. The alternative is to choose my emotions based on Heart, and then, let those emotions dictate my actions and responses. I have done that, and here I am, writing. I will simply make my emotions and opinions known. Telling the truth about myself is always easiest if anything comes up later: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything” (Mark Twain). The truth about what I choose to feel is something about which I make no apologies, explanations, or rationalizations. Some people pulling the strings of what goes on in the situations I mentioned above are egomaniacs, and I want to expose them because I resent them and am angry at them. I resent them for the facade they erect, justifying their actions as noble or patriotic. Patriotism is way overrated, as far as my truth is concerned. Why? Patriotism means that a position of superiority is assumed over others, and that is egoic and patently false. It’s all perspective, friends, and it boils down to the realities of human nature about which I have written over a million words, literally, in the past thirteen or so months. And what it boils down to, least common denominator, is we are no different, one from another. We each are eternal spirit personalized in this body and personality. Yes, even the “bad guys.” Even the sleazy, egomaniacal politicians, including presidents, senators, congressmen, generals, dictators. Yep, all in the same category. There are only two: either Heart has been engaged as the primary operating system or the default Ego system has been encouraged and allowed to function full throttle when it comes to situations I named above. Good guys and bad guys in these situations are usually in the unchecked Ego-controlled category. Ego morphs into so many forms; none are trustworthy. And the problem with the Trumps, Putins, al-Assads, war lords, (I’m not discounting democrats, which I thought I should mention since I used Trump’s name) and so many multitudes of others is they encourage and sway the masses who live in mediocrity and despair of Ego and allow Ego substitutes for Heart-truths. In other words, these evil leaders have purposefully rejected Heart and embraced Ego ideals that give them power, wealth, and control — all at the expense of anyone and everyone in their way. They are not true leaders. Conspiracies, whether formal or informal, mark them as manipulators of others. The fact that they believe their own lives marks them as dangerous people. I only named a few, but they are not arch villains or anything close to it. In some ways, they are lost souls. What I choose to feel is the power within myself, source Spirit. I also choose diligence in living my Heart and our co-created life Purpose, which is why I am writing this. Furthermore, I choose faith. I believe that masses of people like you who acknowledge true Self, say yes to Heart, and create a life purpose that yields happiness every day of your life can change the scope of the atrocities we witness all too frequently in this world. Coming into personal knowledge of the things I have discussed as the Grand Unified Theory of Humanity could change things. One thing is for sure. If you believe Heart-truth is a pipe dream and you can’t be successful or happy without the markers that egomaniacs purpose as success, then you have been deceived. Car and knife-wielding terrorists, pompous and ugly-talking presidents, cruel, vicious, and murderous leaders do not have to be the norm. One by one, we must know and respond to Heart, our Heart, and understand we get to choose the emotions and not engage in knee-jerk responses to the Ego-actions of anyone else, no matter how admirable, smart, or patriotic they may seem. Our relationships as individuals, nations, as citizens of Earth need to begin with a relationship to our own Heart. Please, for the sake of helpless, hopeless millions, show them there is help and hope by choosing Heart. Blessings in that, and sympathy and love to those suffering at the hands of Heart-rejecting egomaniacs!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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