Hearts know things. If we want to, as a total person, know what Hearts know, then we need to get in touch with ours. The things Heart knows hold incomparable value. I have come to know my Heart, as have many others. However, challenges arise because the majority of people do not know theirs. It’s just a fact. It’s why so many self-help websites, books, coaches, and all those good things — and I do mean that — exist. It’s why two of the most common existential, deep down, personal questions are who am I and what is my purpose. I perceive that there are two categories of people who have not come to know their own Heart. One is those who have come face to face with their own truth and rejected it, and the second is everybody else. The latter category contains people at various stages of their life search or their resignation to a relatively meaningless life. They may do lots of things both positive and negative in terms of personal and societal relationships, but in general they don’t engage in conspiracies, formal or informal, to injure or destroy. It’s not all nice and neat, and I know that. However, at times it is not so difficult to determine what category some people fit in. It is not my position to execute judgment, but sometimes, we have to make Heart decisions centered on how to respond to those who do not know their Heart and are destroying others in a multitude of ways. I’m done with the philosophical side here. The situation I wrote about last night concerning the Sioux tribe at their reservation of Standing Rock, North Dakota, presents one of those times for a Heart decision. When I was a senior in high school, Dee Brown’s book, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, was published. I had read about and had strong feelings about the mistreatment of Native Americans. When I read the well-researched evidence and dug deeper into the history, which I have done throughout the years, there is no denying the basic energy behind the history. White Americans who have enough power and wealth and who are bent on controlling society — yes, conspiratorial — find Native Americans an inconvenience. In the Dakota Access Pipeline issue, the line was rerouted so that it would not be an inconvenience to the majority white population centers. The fact that it would spur costs considerably to do anything different means that the rights of property and sacred sites do not matter to the Dakota Access Pipeline LLC people. They manifest their energy by physically assaulting and in essence confining the indigenous people gathered there. The confinement is keeping them out, not in, out of their heritage, their spiritual connection with their ancestors, and probably their own reservation land. I need to cut this short for tonight, so let me sum up my estimation. The whole deal is rotten to the core. It was planned, engages legislative measures that mean nothing to me, and the primary effort isn’t intended to build a pipeline. It is to nullify and eradicate the vestiges of the native population that are left after almost 400 years of deceitful, malicious, duplicitous dealings with Native Americans. No excuses. And the weirdness is that what is going on now appears to be taken from that 400 year old playbook. Oil supplies, energy independence, jobs — meaningless, because they do not count if it means destroying fellow humans to get those. It’s simple, really: find another way. In the past, Native Americans would have been willing to have a part in finding other ways. I would be disappointed if they did so now. Now, I will repeat it, find another way. By the way, the cowardly governor of North Dakota and any troops, legal or mercenary, who allow the illegality of the treatment of the people gathered at Standing Rock should face prosecution, at least law suits. Yes, I’ve repeated some of what I said last night. Yes, I’ve made my Heart truth known in response to those who have rejected the calls and urgings of their own Heart, who have shut down those basic questions of humanity: Who am I, and what is my purpose. If we don’t discover the truth of those, then we will have difficulty in thinking beyond self to the cares and concerns of others. Ego will see to that. To respond to such situations is a benefit of the fellowship of the Heart. I think many Native Americans gathered at Standing Rock know the reality of that fellowship. I’m not naive because not all are in that fellowship nor have they been throughout history. However, the issue here is about those who are in conscious manipulation to eradicate Native Americans, if not in a direct genocide then in an effort to remove any and all assets they own. I see this as a reflection of that which I have called the Grand Unified Theory of Humanity, founded on knowing Self and creating life Purpose. People who come to face the personal decision and reject the discovery end up destroying others because they have no sense of significance. That characterizes those behind the treatment of Native Americans now and throughout history: power trips borne of a chosen Ego operating system. One of those manifestations consists of desecration of sacred burial sites. Listen to these words: “…a spirit cried aloud, ‘Behold, my son,…take revenge of those wild people, that hath my monument defaced in a despiteful manner, disdaining our ancient antiquities, and honorable customs…Thy mother doth complain, implores thy aid against this thievish people…” Do you know who said that and when it was said? His name was Chikataubut or the Massachuset tribe in 1620, and he spoke about the Plymouth settlers, who stole the bearskin coverings over her remains. Like I said, a playbook followed for 400 years. The same desecration is happening to the Sioux. Yes, I am passionate about this, even though if a Native American looked at me, they would probably identify me as part of the problem. That would sadden me if they judged me without speaking to me, but they would have every right. The only thing I can do is live my Heart truth and life Purpose. And my writing and communication is my life Purpose. Part of that is raising awareness of this issue in North Dakota. More to come. Until then, blessings as you seek Self and walk in the fellowship of the Heart!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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