My mood has been like the infamous Deflategate of the 2015 AFC football championship; only it’s not Tom Brady’s work that deflated me. It has been the handiwork of political campaigning, elections, and the commentary, that I actually limited considerably, but it wasn’t enough.
It wasn’t the winners or losers, the outcomes, that zapped me; it was the divisiveness, the inability of so many people to engage in thoughtful discussions. It was all about show and destruction. Differences of opinion should produce thoughtful consideration that may end up in compromise or in creating some new animal. I read somewhere today that someone said — I don’t care who said it or where it was said — we are all on the same team. (Now, that I’m thinking about it, I believe it was President Obama — still don’t care). People on the same team do what I mentioned above. Co-captains (the candidates) don’t destroy the players — citizens, voters — and hope that there’s enough standing up on one side of the field to vote for them as the only captain. And I’m not speaking about the presidential candidates only. I can honestly say this: I will never again vote for anyone who directly initiates assault on their opponent in a media campaign. I didn’t this election; in fact, contrary to all of my past voting experiences, that was one factor determining who I voted for. The sum result of the whole day yesterday was disgraceful as far as I am concerned, and as I said, it is not because of who won or lost. It is because of the spirit and lack of intelligent, Heart-based discussion. Now, you may tell me Heart has no place in politics. Then, any brand of politics, any politician, any government claiming that has no place in my life. A total philosophy of Ego, that it’s all about Ego, has no place in governance of any kind. Let me make it clear, NO PLACE. If a government, leader, politician, dictator, ruler does not nurture people to explore, live, and engage in society based on Heart, then that leadership should not have that position. And Heart, my Heart, the fellowship with my Heart and those who are in that same fellowship, is the only thing that helped me to function today in terms of writing. Writing, as learning, cannot be disassociated from emotions. It’s why Morning Pages wasn’t completed until a little before five o’clock today. What did my Heart tell me? The reason for the existence of government is not to create a job market or give everybody what they think they deserve or provide for every need of life or society. No, it should be to allow others to live to their fullest potential, i.e., to manage the societal excesses of Ego so that each of us is free to discover Self, create a life Purpose, and live that Purpose. For those who would say that we can’t all do whatever we want, yes we can — IF it is truly through Heart. If the motive force is Heart, then death, destruction, or injury to others will not be the result. If you are one of those who believe a government should make everyone fit your idea of society and philosophy, then your Ego is working overtime to control and manipulate others, and my friend, that means you will never be consistently happy, fulfilled, or satisfied. I am aware my views of government need much more explanation, which may or may not come. I will say that I believe the original intent of many from the beginning of this nation was much closer to what I’m saying, infinitely closer to what I’m saying, than what we observed yesterday. The spectacle of this year’s campaigns means nothing to me; I feel absolutely no indebtedness or responsibility to agree with, give assent to, or follow anything resulting from this election and the policies, laws, or anything else that emanates from this Ego show. And again, the reason is the purpose of the campaigns was not to hear my voice or your voice; it was to get elected at any cost. Fuck the dead souls lying all over the battleground. That’s the message, and acceptance or concession speeches mean nothing in the light of that. They are worthless. Of course, Native Americans have felt this frustration, defeat, and assault for years, being purposefully, powerfully, and deceptively forced into a place of voicelessness. And not one idiot candidate had anything to say yesterday about Standing Rock and the right, total moral and Heart right, to reverse the Dakota Access Pipeline. By the way, Clinton didn’t support the tribes, and Trump is invested in Energy Transfer Crude Oil Company, the parent company of DAPL and a contributor of over $100,000 to his campaign. So neither of them measure up. None of these politicians do who bludgeon, beat, and bloody one another because they are too stupid to recognize that when they assault one another, they’re debilitating us. They don’t get that interconnectedness of all. They don’t get that when they’re doing all the yelling, they leave us voiceless, which disqualifies them for any leadership role as far as I’m concerned, which means I will never support or follow them. Ultimately, I want to encourage anyone who reads this to do something. No, not write your representatives, although I’ve done that many times. I want to encourage you to not look to a government to supply those elements of life that can only come from Heart. Discovering core Self, who you are at Heart essence and creating, determining a life Purpose based on that Self engages all the energies of life from the Spirit, the Universe to carry us forward to significance, fullness, joy, peace, love, adventure, you name it. Do that, and we won’t need most of the machinations of government — or the disappointment. So, for me, I write, and in this I have peace. Blessings!
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Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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