Among those who have come to discover core Self and create life purpose, differences of opinion exist about how’s and why’s and such. Things like terminology or paths or procedures may sound and actually be different. However, some things aren’t.
Like love. we either know love or we don’t. And yet with a concept so universal, each of us experiences love in different ways. This morning I unexpectedly and gratefully felt the warm, rapturous embrace of Spirit in expression of love to me. I suppose my Heart knew what I needed. It always does. As I sat writing my personal, always unpublished, morning pages, I realized almost immediately that I, my mind, was speaking to my ego. I don’t hear words like I do with Heart, but I knew the energy impulses that formed thoughts in my mind. I heard the cautions and rationales Ego proposes when we don’t choose Heart to process, filter, and transmit thoughts. I felt the tension and understood the tension between Heart and Ego helps me to create; interplay will always exist, and the contrast and roles of each give me insight. I choose Heart, but that default Ego setting will respond instantly when it has a chance, which is why the fellowship with and of the Heart remains crucial to my well-being. Then, after nearly a page of my monologue responses to Ego energy, my Heart began speaking directly to me. As anyone does, I occasionally have anxieties. Heart mediated for me with Spirit and I felt a blanket of warming love that produced emotional goosebumps. I wrote the words that Love banishes anxiety, worry, fear. I thought of the Bible verse in I John 4:18: “There is no fear in love, for perfect love drives out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment…” You needn’t claim to be some religion to know the reality of this. It represents a spiritual truth for humanity. I understand Ego uses fear and worry and anxiety because those emotions keep us in check. We fear to take risks and upset the status quo and become nonconformists because we might fail. We might get hurt. We might be laughed at. We might appear abnormal. Part of Ego’s job is to raise awareness of where we stand in relation to society, to let us know how others are viewing us. Its job, however, is pretty much limited to that because we don’t need all those auxiliary emotions of doubts, fears, guilt, and regret. We don’t need them because we live with a direct, personal connection to eternal Spirit, full of vibrational energy of pure light and love. Heart, being the personalized substance of Spirit in us, can just cut loose and let that love flow. It does all the time, but sometimes we need to specifically access it directly or indirectly, as happened with me this morning. The peace and fullness washed over me. Fellowship with my Heart created this special access I have had today. Oh, I’ve experienced this before, but it’s new and fresh and needed every single time. And as I mature spiritually, which is a continuous process not age-related, I felt this Spirit-love, the Perfect Love, this morning in relationship and application to each energy center of my being, the seven major chakras, that rainbow diffraction in my being of the pure light of Spirit flowing through me. The light and love was there; my Heart awareness allowed me to experience it more than usual today. The following list corresponds to what I felt this morning, from my root chakra up to the crown. I’m leaving it untouched except for dividing it up, clarifying the thoughts so it’s more understandable, and correcting a few errors. Allowing Perfect Love to embrace and envelop me means these things to me. 1. Perfect love for physical Self and all associated with my body sensations and experiences. 2. Perfect Love means balanced, beautiful connections with others that flow like the Waters of Life — a joy in intimate relationships of nurturing with fellow human beings. 3. Perfect love drives me to arise and move and create life each day like Sun arises; it motivates me for living my created Purpose as I see fit. 4. Perfect Love forms the foundation of relationship and feeling towards those in my world; it gives me emotional and spiritual sympathy and empathy. 5. Perfect Love energizes my Heart to write, speak, hear, and receive to fully create and communicate with my personal, powerful Voice from a foundation of love. 6. Perfect Love forms my lens of understanding all, perceiving, intuiting. 7. Perfect Love is the basis of true wisdom and Unity with all the Universe. I felt this love. I know it. I don’t always walk in the conscious thought of it. Therefore, while none of us are perfect, while some don’t agree with me or I don’t agree with them, and while relatively few walk in the fellowship of the Heart, I am free and can allow love to bless any relationship. In fact, we need to stop expecting one another to conform to our concept of perfection. Perfect love is all the perfection we need.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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