I wrote this morning about the continuing situation at Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. The Native Americans there, along with many supporters, are attempting to stop the Dakota Access pipeline from being installed under the bed of the Missouri River.
I have seen posts on Facebook and articles that are denigrating the protestors and supporters. I have desired to raise awareness of the situation. My personal opinion based on articles I have seen is that the authorities of the parent company, Energy Transfer Partners, and the Army Corps of Engineers as well as local law enforcement and private mercenaries are unconscionable liars. At the very least, though, I want to briefly point out there are two sides to every story. No, I’m not wimping on my opinion. I am saying that every instance that the “authorities” have given as justification for their actions has been a lie, except for a notable one. Technically, the land where the pipeline runs is just barely off of the reservation, but it does run through ancestral grounds and sacred sites. The duplicity involved in this sickens me. The company and governmental authorities might as well have lined up on the reservation border, stuck out their tongues, plugged their thumbs in their ears, and waved their fingers while shouting “nonnie, nonnie, boo, boo.” They are assholes. I read the justification that officers have to do what they are ordered to do. No, no they don’t. It depends on how much you value others lives and rights. Tonight, I simply want to act as a megaphone, helping to amplify the voice of the Water Protectors in North Dakota. The officials have upped the ante of violence over the past few days, hypocritically so. For instance, the Army Corps says it is going to shut down the camp that is officially on their land, which land should never have been theirs anyway. They say it is out of health concerns for the people with winter coming on. They did nothing to stop other “authorities” from shooting the protestors with water cannons for six hours in 23 degree weather, did they? Do you understand the implication? The Native Americans are going to be relocated — once again. They are not even going to bother with treaties this time. It would be almost laughable if it weren’t such a perfect illustration of voice being robbed and minorities being marginalized. And if the people don’t go, they will be arrested, prosecuted. An oligarchy in league with the local and federal government defined the course of action, drew in the protestors, and will now make them criminals. So tonight, if I could speak directly to the Water Protectors, I would tell them they matter. I would ask them to state their case. I would listen. I would let them know I want to see the evidence so that I could write more powerfully about the situation. I would give them opportunity to express their Voice in a way that could not be strangled or muffled and eventually buried by a rigged, suffocating oligarchy. But I can’t. So I simply write my Heart and honestly, purposefully, directly send positive, sustaining energy their way every day, several times a day. I will do what I can. I would do without the gas and oil, too, if they are successful. The energy of Heart is on the side of the Water Protectors, i.e., that spirit characterizes them overall, especially their leadership. The energy of Ego dominates the others, the oligarchy of self-centered power brokers whose leadership has no compunction about trashing what is left of the history and sacred places of a people who were marginalized. They were slaughtered, robbed, deceived, and legislated against. Then, they were placed within reservation boundaries that limited them in far deeper ways than social mobility. The same thing is happening to them today, and it is a travesty. However, when Heart action is taken and love is expressed, those who know Self will ultimately defeat those who purposefully seek their own benefit at any cost. Not all the duped pawns enforcing the oligarchy’s designs are in that category — at all. But choices have to be made. In the end, each individual must make the choice to hear and heed Heart or to allow Ego to maintain control. Most folks are lost in a muddled morass of ego-induced lassitude; they just don’t care or think that much about the questions embedded deep in their minds and souls. They just want to survive. That is exactly what Ego does. Survive, make a profit regardless of consequences or effects on anyone else, whatever benefits me — all Ego drives. All characteristic of the “authorities” in the situation at Standing Rock. Knowing ourselves and living our Purpose, doing it as best we can, that will change these kinds of situations more effectively than anything. For me, this is part of my Purpose and Vision — to write and help others discover core Self, and part of that includes my writing to help give voice to those who have been marginalized, to those who need to be heard. Find yourself, find your voice, and find love and peace.
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