I often hesitate to write about instances of personal magic that I experience; however, this morning I wrote about a dream I had right before waking up. It was definitely a bit of personal magic, one of those instances where I feel the Spirit directs energies of life for me to gain some sort of knowledge not available to me through other, perhaps more natural, more logical mediums.
One way I know it’s a bit of magic in a dream is when I look very directly into someone’s eyes, and they know that I know. They wanted me to understand something. This morning, the young boy, for some reason I had the sense he was nine years old, right at the end of the dream looked directly into my eyes with a slight smile. Now, that was significant because a girl who was older had just told me he was “mentally retarded,” which she said defensively. (Those were the words in my dream. I know the correct terminology is developmentally disabled). When he looked at me, though, I knew that was immaterial because the light and energy in his eyes had a very distinct, intelligent message: “Do you understand?” And then, that little smile. Yes, I understand the beautiful brilliance of your message, Spirit, spoken through the means and persons You choose. The little boy had taken my journal I write in every day, and he had hidden it in his “home” which he had crafted under covered cots, beach-type recliners, for the wealthy tourists at the ocean-side resort. When I looked under there, I saw stacks of labeled books and picture albums, things that weren’t financially valuable. I was the only one looking in the homeless boy’s retreat for anything like that. The message for me? Most people don’t know how to value what they aren’t getting paid for. Quite honestly, this is an aspect of my work of writing, as I have mentioned a couple of times. It was a wake-up call for me, not so much because I don’t value my work, but the prevailing zeitgeist really creates fertile stimuli for Ego to interfere with Heart and our created life Purpose. Ego says it’s only valuable if you get paid for it. I received another message from the dream, too. By the end, I knew the boy was not developmentally disabled; he only valued life differently than almost everyone else. He sought to help them discover what things were of genuine worth by taking those “valuables” and causing them to miss the stolen items and to awaken to Self. Yes, a message to me, directly. There were three other children I saw in the dream. One laid down next to the nine year old boy in the sand under the cots in a little area they had dug out just to fit them. It seemed the other boy was trying to comfort the main boy. Then, there was the girl, maybe twelve, who explained to me that the nine year old was disabled, beseeching me to look in his eyes, which is when it all became clear to me. And there was another level to this dream, one that I have been considering for awhile now. If we all valued others for their Heart through our Heart, we would not be in need of the outrageous degree of governmental structure we have now. If we cared for fellow human beings based on our life Purpose, which is always oriented in love, then we would expect to see love in its multi-faceted, multi-dimensional expressions, but we would not see the hatred and destruction that results from leaders, especially, consciously rejecting Heart and choosing Ego. Some might say that’s a judgment call. It is. It’s the only logical conclusion that can be reasoned. However, it’s their choice and then ours as to how we respond. I don’t claim that they are wrong, only that there will be consequences. All will work exactly as it should; however, unless you are in the fellowship of the Heart, it may be extremely difficult to reconcile events. Having said that, I believe leaders running for office or those in any significant, public role do disservice to their followers when they allow Ego to be their primary operating system. The little boy in my dream knew what was of true value. So should leaders. I will write more about this; however, tonight, I only begin since my dream for me tied directly to this. In America, the current political campaigns of the two major parties in any race show zero desire to either discover and walk in the fellowship of the Heart or to govern based on that. Therefore, do not tell me I will waste my vote in some way or another if I don’t vote for someone who is the lesser of two evils. To me, the only true evil is done to oneself in rejecting their own heart; however, telling me to vote for evil — lesser or greater — is stupid, ludicrous. We don’t have to live in any evil — greater or lesser — if many more would awaken to their own Heart. Show me your Heart, or at the very least an openness to allowing us to operate based on our Heart. Show me your Heart not to govern based on ego-motivated and ego-imposed laws, mandates, or another thing else. Yes, show me your Heart if you want my vote.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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