People in general underestimate the power of creation. Of course, the concept of creation holds great power, but that power, that energy, is all potential until it is tapped, set in motion, and unleashed. Today, I have thought about some simple ways to convert that potential energy to kinetic energy.
This conversion, by the way, has the wonderful, happy effect of transforming into other expressions of energy or creating more potential energy in others. Creation equals energy, an exciting concept to me. William Blake, considered by some as the father of Romanticism in British literature, wrote this: “I must create a system or be enslaved by another man’s. I will not Reason & Compare: my business is to Create.” What relationship does this have to energy? If we don’t create, one way that energy is dissipated is that others use us, use our powers, our energies, for their purposes: “I must create a system or be enslaved…” If we do not come to know Self, hear our own hearts, learn our own truth, and create our vision and mission that expresses that core Self in our lives every day, THEN we become a passive participant in someone else’s plans, and they may not be heart-plans. Our energy potential is transformed into someone else’s schemes. What do I mean? Those who act in ego can be powerful. They are usually, not always, detectable, though, because we hear about how miserable they or their companies are to work for, how cruel, unethical, or brutal they are; this is ego, not heart. When anyone heeds ego and not heart, such outcomes are possible, but other times those who are wandering, not sure of self, part of that “mass of men who lead lives of quiet desperation” end up suffering the effects of ego in the form of conflict or submission, fighting or surrendering. Blake got it: know yourself, learn your heart, discern heart from ego, and engage in an active life of creation. Blake also knew that his own ego could talk him out of living his creative life, the life of his heart. “I will not Reason” indicates the rationalizing side of the ego — “You can’t take this risk. What about safety and security of a job that pays regularly? How will others view you? Are your plans even commercially viable?” Then, the other side of ego is “I will not…Compare,” which is the work of the ego that says things like “But you aren’t really good enough to make it, are you? I mean, look at how talented or qualified or wealthy they are…” Blake sums up those two sides of ego. When we hear those sorts of statements, that is how we know it’s the ego, and that’s part of the value of ego: it shows us our self-imposed limitations. We must venture beyond that. If we don’t, we end up being those who go through whole lives with that untapped, untransformed potential energy, saying things like “I don’t really know who I am. What is my purpose in life? Why doesn’t God show me what I’m supposed to be doing? Do I really matter?” Yeah, William Blake was addressing those things, overcoming and pushing through the muck of ego. How? When he said “my business is to create,” he makes a conscious decision — not the default ego setting — to be co-Creator of his truth, his vision, his mission, his purpose. Others’ opinions, opposition, or even approbation matter not when we enter into living core Self. This is how to transform the potential energy of core Self that Heart offers to us into kinetic energy: live the life and Self we are meant to be. Some might say that they don’t know how to create or that they are not creative. Yes, you are. Oh, maybe not in terms of visual, musical, or literary creativity, but creating Self in this life is superior to any of that. Some people are what we think of as artists, musicians, writers, dancers, and other such expressions, but revealing who we are in this world is true creativity. Start small if you don’t know for sure yet, if you are just coming to fellowship with your own heart. Create joy for yourself and someone else by simply smiling at them. Create peace by swallowing egoic pride and words and accept another’s opinion and maybe having a discussion. Create love today by doing something extra kind for someone else, no matter how minor it may be. Maybe most importantly, create Self today, a bigger expression of who you are, by listening for five uninterrupted minutes to your own heart. Ask a question and hear the response. Ask another. Speak with your heart about it. Then, ask your heart what action you should take according to this new truth of yours. Creators work, they produce, they live their lives. Be a creator of today, transforming that potential energy of Self into action. I can guarantee that it will transfer potential energy to others, inspiring them and motivating them to do the same. .
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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