Sometimes, chance meetings spur more interesting thoughts than usual, but such times occur because we focus attention on certain things and draw energy to those ideas.
Last night while walking the dogs, I encountered a man who lives three or four blocks away. Two things made last night different than most. We often see each other and let the dogs socialize for five or ten minutes while we talk. We met months ago like this and meet maybe three or four times a week. Last night, though, was over a full hour later than normal. That was the first difference. The second was we have never spoken about what either of us do. I was thinking about the work I still had to do to edit and publish my article last night, so after a few minutes, I said, “I better get going. I still have to get my writing published for the night.” He asked me about it, and I briefly told him I have published every day for almost a year. He thought I worked for somebody. I told him I did it simply because I’m a writer and that was what I wanted to do. He then asked about my topics. I told him I wrote about self awakening and how I live and help others discover the answers to those two big life questions: Who am I? What is my purpose? Immediately, he said something along the lines of this: “Wow! You write about deep philosophy. How does anybody answer those questions?” Now, this man is sociable and has gone out of his way to visit when we see each other on our walks. He is probably younger than me or close to my age (older!) and seems like he is a career white collar guy. Maybe. Anyway, the thought struck me, although I didn’t say it to him but will at some point, that those questions really aren’t deep philosophy. They are basic desires of every human soul to know. We long to know those. I only need to mention them in an appropriate social context and they spur conversation pretty quickly. Deep philosophy doesn’t normally do that. My point is Awakening is not an uncommon question, although it is spoken about in a number of different terms, nor is it complicated. We don’t address it because Ego doesn’t like to do that. Therefore, when I was reading my novel this morning and thinking about last night, I wondered if maybe my characters seemed overly focused on their own spiritual states. Then, I thought about how where we set our attention attracts energy. I don’t think it’s uncommon at all if people are questioning their own spiritual state to draw interest and responses from others. I need to ensure my characters are realistic in their interactions. I think they are — at least as realistic as I am in my own. There’s the possibility that others may think of me as some sort of weirdo nut case, but I’m fairly certain that’s not so! So, in my novel, when Eric Lafarnge goes through months of self-doubt and soul exploration, people notice, especially his colleagues and wife. When he comes to that point of discovering core Self and creating a purpose, the same ones see a dramatic change in him; some count it as positive, some do not. When such attention is drawn, others speak about it. It’s on their minds. This phenomenon interests me as a writer. Some people talk about a lot of things, but their talk just doesn’t create much interactive, meaningful response. As a writer and observer of life, that’s when I know the things they are speaking of have little to do with their true energy flow: they see little attraction to their words. I’m not belaboring this. I share it because such thoughts are my focus right now. These are things this writer thinks about. What’s occupying your thoughts these days?! Blessings!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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