Whatever we do in life, day to day, decision to decision, laugh to laugh, pain to pain, one of the most valuable principles we can know is that of allowing. Yes, letting things happen, but I’m not talking about things harmful or threatening in society or the world. I’m referring to the things that occur within our minds and souls: thoughts, feelings, emotions of any and all kinds that arrive in our conscious mind.
Why would we not refute those that are negative, painful, destructive? Simply because without allowing those, we cannot allow solutions to form. Allowing, permitting, letting go. If you’ve ever had children, you will know it is not so easy to let go when it comes to their maturity and independent decision-making. You have to allow them freedom — if you are going to have a meaningful relationship with them. So it is; we need to allow the thoughts to flow. Then, we expose them for what they are with the light of the Heart. When we apply Heart, solutions can flow. Is it easy? Nope, because some thoughts can hurt, discourage, and hold the possibility of turning your whole life upside down. Ego hates that. It seeks to keep control of the situation, control of our mind and soul because it tries to protect against hurt. Ego cover-up creates deeper, far deeper, emotional trauma than allowing the pain to be exposed, but at the time, the egoic path seems easier. This path presents roadblocks at any attempts to solve problems and move forward. It might cause more pain to do so. It will probably mean an ongoing process of healing, and such a process may hurt. I know when Ego operates in such times, times of hurt, despair, weariness, and many others, and I recognize it when I hear the rationalizations, the constant negative feedback and reasoning that covers up and does not build a positive foundation for growth. You know what those rationalizations sound like, don’t you? “There’s no way. I can’t do anything, no answers. Nobody will help. Nobody listens. Everybody’s against me. I’m stupid. I have no talents, abilities, or knowledge to do that.” Yeah, you know, and so do I. My Heart, though, links me with the Universe and Spirit, puts me in touch with all the possibilities of eternity at my disposal. Heart reminds me and helps me to access my magic. So many problems have to do with mindset, and Heart says zillions of possibilities and solutions exist. But it’s damned hard, sometimes, to allow those. Those solutions, answers, and action plans will flow, too, if we allow them. Let go of excuses of why it can’t happen, why all is lost, why you’re doomed; let go and allow the flow of Spirit. When we allow, we begin to build: solutions, lives that matter, joy, memories of goodness, and myriad other positives. I know my Heart is speaking, is acting as my operating system when I’ve asked and then I’m engaging in positive actions to build foundations for blessing — Self and others. So, tonight, in my weariness, in my struggle to create and generate some positive things, I have chosen my building materials. I have heard Ego’s attempts. But I have chosen Heart, which for me tonight means I chose to write this when Ego was telling me there really is no point. We must consciously choose the good, the positive, even when screams of “Impossible” may threaten to deafen us. I know it’s possible. I know my purpose, and I will choose to build using attitude adjustments, actions, and the counsel of the Universe, whether through magic or friends. Sometimes, it takes dogged determination to grit it out, but I know it’s the right thing if I am to help others discover the blessings of knowing self and living life purpose that matters to others, that loves others, and that loves Self. Yes, allowing the negatives to be manifested and then allowing them to be released, letting go, is not easy. Heart, though, responds to our call, offers the positives to build on our purpose and to bless this world. Okay, I’ll take that deal.
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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