You’ve heard them before, haven’t you? The comparison of Earth as a tiny blue dot, human beings as even less than that, insignificant specks of dust — you know, all that sort of rot. I understand some people making some points and trying to put things in perspective, but when such comparisons are used to speak about the relative worth or value of humans, well, I think they are not processing information correctly.
Why? Even though you’re entitled to your opinion and I won’t even belittle you for it — I wouldn’t need to because you’ve already done that to yourself — I will tell you your perspective is off and I disagree with it. I am the Universe; I am one with the eternal Great Spirit of all; I am not to be minimized. In fact, I am so significant to the Universe, such an integral, full, microcosmic representation of it that if I don’t discover and express my supreme significance, the whole existence of the Universe is diminished. It makes me think of many parts of John Donne’s Meditation 17, especially the line that says “If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less…” because we are one. The unity of one with and as the whole land, the whole Universe, means we are infinitely significant, just as significant as a whole continent or all of creation. It’s a Unity, and we are supremely significant in that unity. Oh, wait, I know some might say that we really are specks, dots, worthless in the big scheme of things. Just look at the statistics. And there is the problem. Statistics can be looked at, in many instances, through different lenses. Just as we can value our life and our significance through two lenses: Ego or Heart. Ego may tell us how paltry we are in the big scheme of things. I guess it could tell us we are greater, too, and that makes it a competition — me, I’m bigger, I’m right, I’m better. Yeah, either one is ego. Heart says we are one, unity, and in unity the one is as valuable and significant as the whole. I recognize the way ego works; I know it because it’s operative in all of us. Remember, heart must be chosen as the lens or filter to give a fullness, purpose, and significance to life. Ego will try to make us transparent and conformed or better through hubris than anyone else — blend in or scream out how weird and different you are. Heart says “I’m unique in my identity and purpose and will fulfill that, but everyone else must, too, if this life is going to work as wonderfully as it could.” You need Me, my identity and life purpose, and I need You, your identity and life purpose. Not everyone will discover themselves and awaken to their Heart, but those who do will know a significance, purpose, joy, and happiness many others never will. Do you see the difference yet? Let me apply an analogy to this concept of viewing life through Ego as opposed to Heart. Let’s think of the terms in which statistics are related — numbers. Look at the number 00001101. If one looks at that in everyday terms, our default Base 10 system, the first four zeros get ignored and it appears the number is 1,101. However, if we apply a Base Two binary lens to it, we are looking at 13. Vastly different views depending on the system one uses to define the numbers. Ego is default eOS, Ego Operating System: Base Ten. hOS, Heart Operating System is Base Two. It’s hard to not use the default system, but what a vast difference in using another perfectly acceptable and valid system. Of course the one who writes the number defines the system, and so it is with us. The Spirit of all, the Universe itself, has determined the proper system to unlock our relationship to all the wonders, order, and blessings of life, and the Universe demands that we use the system it has decreed as the one to give us significance and purpose: Heart. Base Ten ego just won’t work to discover Self, our unique identity. In my novel, The Fellowship of the Heart, Anne Lafarnge thinks she has the world by the balls, and she thinks her husband Eric appears to be floundering and missing out. She belittles him. She’s using Base Ten reasoning. Eric has just discovered how to look at life in Base Two, and he’s excited. Anne, however, at the beginning of Chapter 5 isn’t interested in hearing any of it. Tomorrow, maybe I will share a bit of that chapter. In the meantime, I want to repeat the truth of how much I value you, who you are. I need you to discover that deep, personal, Heart identity and co-create your life Purpose. I need the gifts and talents and special You. All of us do. I am, You are, the Universe, in essence. Think Base Two, Baby!
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Questions to consider:How many times have you asked yourself or simply thought about the following questions?
Who am I, really? What is my truth? How do my actions reveal what I really feel and believe? What would I do with my life if I could do anything? What is my passion? Why am I here? How can I discover answers to any of these questions? If you have considered any of these questions, I hope that my experiences and writing will give you some guidance. Please read my blog and comment and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! Archives
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